
Thin Places (The Porch 2/24/11 Bryan Jr. Auditorium)

Celtic Christians have long believed in what they call "thin places." These are places where the boundary between heaven and earth are especially "thin." Essentially, a "thin place" is anywhere where one can experience God's presence more readily. I think about Mt. Sinai as an example of a thin place in the Old Testament. God spoke clearly to Moses through a burning bush and then when delivering the commandments some years later. Elijah also is able to hear the still small voice of God on Mt. Sinai, suggesting that the mountain has some sort of special connection to God.

I don't believe that thin places have to be an actual physical place like Mt. Sinai. Jesus came to earth as the incarnate word of God so that the full revelation of God could be completed. He was the ultimate thin place. Our challenge is to find the thin places in our lives where we can best experience the resurrected Christ! Does that happen in a church? While singing hymns? During communion? In moments of silence? Through serving others? While observing God's creation?

Where are the thin places in your life?

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