
God's Identity...

Thanks for checking us out!  As Pastor Ben already posted, The Porch is a great community of folks looking to Worship, Experience and Belong.  So whether you are already a part of that community, or you are searching for a community, I hope you'll check back here with us and let this blog be a place that you can feel safe to agree, disagree, have questions, add to, etc. 

A great pastor that I follow on Twitter, Pete Wilson, just recently posted an A.W. Tozer quote that has had me thinking for the past couple of days.  It says... "What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  At first I was hesitant about this, but after thinking on it, and pondering what we are called to do... I'm rather certain it could not be more true.  If we are called to be disciples of Christ, His followers, then how we see God...His identity in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... is essential to how the world sees us.  Genesis 1:27 tells us "And God made man in His image, in His image he made them...", and there are many more examples of how we are created as a reflection of Him in Genesis.

So how do you see God?  If God had a Facebook profile what would it say?  What would His profile picture look like?  What music would He like... how many friends... Would he play farmville?!  

You see, God made us in His image so that we would love one another just as He loves us.  We have chosen to stray from that, but at our core we are created to be in a worshipping community that supports one another and worships our wonderful and loving Creator.  What does worship mean?  That's an entirely different post.

So this week I hope you will  ponder just exactly what God looks like, acts like, what music He listens to... and ______________.

1 comment:

  1. Tozer is correct... the image of God that you have in your head definitely influences your perception of God. For instance, if I picture God as a lightning bolt throwing vengeful judge, then my behavior will reflect that of a scared dog. If instead I view God as a loving, grace offering, life-giving creator, then I will be compelled to share that love and grace with others. It's such a big deal that we will be talking about it this week at The Porch in terms of God's justice. See y'all there!
