
The Porch Town Hall Meeting (4/28)

The Porch will be meeting this week in the GCUMC sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. for worship, prayer, and discussion in a “town hall” format. Bring your best thoughts, reflections, ideas and discernment!


Casting Crowds

*The Porch will be meeting for the final time on campus (this semester) this Thursday (4/14) in the Guilford College Community Center at 7:00*

A funny thing happens to Jesus on his journey to the cross: the crowds turn on him in a matter of a few short days. The "Hosannas" of Palm Sunday quickly turn into "crucify him" on Friday morning. The same crowds, only days later. How can this happen?

Crowds are fickle. Crowds tend to align themselves with whatever is popular at the time. Crowds care more about the advancement of the crowd than about any one individual.

A call to follow Jesus is a call that takes us out of the crowd and instead places us right beside him as he picks up his cross to head to Calvary. Are you content to follow Jesus from the crowd?